4 Signs You Have A Fixed Mindset, And Why You Need To Change It
4 Signs You Have A Fixed Mindset, And Why You Need To Change It

September 15, 2024

You Don’t Have To Feel Ready, You Just Need To Bet On Yourself
You Don’t Have To Feel Ready, You Just Need To Bet On Yourself

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4 Signs You Have A Fixed Mindset, And Why You Need To Change It

4 Signs You Have A Fixed Mindset, And Why You Need To Change It

Your mindset controls your life. The results in your life, or the lack thereof, directly reflect your mind. Your thoughts become your actions, your actions become your habits, and your habits shape your life. “As a man thinks, so is he”. Working in the creative space, results are very tangible, and a person’s creativity can …

Bet On Yourself

You Don’t Have To Feel Ready, You Just Need To Bet On Yourself

The difference between where you currently are and where you intend to be is your willingness to take action. It is common knowledge that to become good at anything, you must start as a beginner and work your way into mastery. However, in reality, we’re not always eager to get started. We spend much time …

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