
2021: The Good, The Bad & A Grateful Heart

It’s the penultimate Sunday of the year, and it seems like a good time to pause and reflect on the year as it draws to a close in a few days.

Like every other year, 2021 didn’t disappoint with its “highs and lows.” In fact, in comparison with previous years, it probably raised the bar, with “highs” that made me go wild with ecstasy and “lows” that had me rethinking all my life choices. In a nutshell, 2021 was like an extreme rollercoaster ride, and every rise and dip along the way contributed to making for an unforgettable experience.

Coming into the year, I tried not to be too extravagant with my expectations. I was careful not to set too lofty goals that would only be good on paper. Experience has taught me that the new year’s excitement makes us overrate our capabilities, only to end up frustrated when we don’t achieve the many things we plan.

Throughout the year, I attempted to journal my experiences here —the significant ones, at least. From my birthday post back in January to the post on graduating college back in July to the blog anniversary post in November, I occasionally dropped some life updates. I also did mini-reviews like the January Recap post and the First Quarter review at the end of March. If you’ve been around all these months, you pretty much have an inkling of how my year panned out.

Through The Thickets

2021 started off somewhat shaky for me. Right off the bat, I found myself tangled in college shenanigans, and I spent the first half of the year untangling myself. At the time, I definitely didn’t fancy having to deal with the storm that was school, but I resolved to approach the situation from a position of stoicism. Instead of wallowing in anxiety and worry, I chose to not let the pressure from my circumstances crush me.

This mindset gave me the internal stability to push through all the barriers I faced. It also put me in a posture to seek valuable lessons from my experiences. Eventually came out much stronger than I went in, and it turned out to be a season I never knew I needed.

Building Blocks

The second half of the year had me in a transition phase. Fresh out of college, I had to set my house in order for the things ahead. Dealing with so much uncertainty can be overwhelming in many ways, but piece by piece, I am slowly figuring out the puzzle before me.

Also, this phase requires a mental adjustment as the practices that make for success as a college student aren’t the same as those that apply in the real world. This paradigm shift calls for some learning, unlearning, and relearning, and it is also a slow and progressive process.

Grateful, Thankful, Blessed.

All in all, it’s been quite an eventful year. Of course, I fell short of my goals for the year and by a good margin (as it happens every year). However, I am generally in a much better place than I was coming into the year, which is the most important thing to me. Progress is the primary goal.

Looking back, I can only be grateful. I am grateful for the wins, grateful for the misses, grateful for the highs, grateful for the lows —every experience had its own value to offer.

Beyond the experiences, I am much more grateful for all those who contributed to the awesomeness of the outgoing year in one way or the other. Throughout the year, I realized how privileged I was to have amazing people in my corner. I also got acquainted with some wonderful folks and reconnected with old buddies. I truly enjoyed the benefits of valuable relationships in 2021.

And to you reading this post, you are also a big part of my year, regardless of whether it’s your first time on here or you have followed all 50 posts (yeah, this is the 51st) in the year. This blog has been a big part of my year, and you have been my motivation to show up week after week. Thank you!:)

Wishing you a fabulous 2022 in advance!🎊

4 thoughts on “2021: The Good, The Bad & A Grateful Heart”

  1. Twenty Twenty 1 – the first sequel to Twenty Twenty.
    Twenty Twenty 2 – the second sequel to Twenty Twenty.
    Apparently, Twenty Twenty still has 7 lives to go.

  2. At the end, growth is what matters. We go again this year. Hopefully, we will reach our goals this time😃

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