
The Thin Line Between Courage and Stupidity

“Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that’s why life is hard.” – Jeremy Goldberg I randomly stumbled on this quote within the week. I found it funny at first, and still do. But somehow, I couldn’t get it off my mind, so I decided I might …

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Information Overload and How to Deal With It

With the ever-increasing availability of information alongside its ease of access, it is easy to get caught up in the web of consuming it in excess and eventually getting an “overdose” of it. This is reflected when we attempt to process a wide variety of information from various sources at the same time and it …

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Valentine’s Day Special – What is Love to You?

Pheew… another 14th February rolls around, and this time it falls on a Sunday – not like it makes any difference though. Quick question: Is it just me, or there seem to be an increasing significance to this day year after year? To Valentine or Not to Valentine? After giving it some thought, I have …

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woman sitting in front of macbook

Paralysis by Analysis – Getting Out of a Rut

Planning is an integral part of any process and should not be overlooked. But when it crosses the threshold of healthy analysis, it does more harm than good. If you find yourself in a rut even before you begin, take a step back, ask the necessary questions, carry out the required planning necessary to take the first step, launch into action and figure things out as you go. Everything will come together with time, piece by piece.

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