
2021 So Far – First Quarter Review

Someone once told me that the overall outcome of your year is hinged on the twin months of February and March… That is to say, getting these two months right increases your chances of having a successful year while falling off the train at this “pivotal point” might just be the beginning of your downhill …

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Social Validation is Not Always True Validation

In a world where opinions are increasingly varied, the need for some sort of validation for our ideas and notions is constantly on the rise. Simultaneously, social media – and the internet at large– is also becoming more prominent in social relations. More and more people are putting out content in different forms and every …

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Tapping From The Infinite Well of Inspiration

Let’s talk about Inspiration, shall we?) You might be familiar with the magical experience of serendipitous inspiration. I mean, that eureka moment when it seems as though all the divine forces in the universe align together in your favour and the resulting coalition, for whatever reason, decide to endow your conscious mind — or maybe …

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Living A Balanced Life

I was having a conversation with a friend last night when she asked me a very interesting question. “How do you manage to balance everything?… How do you manage to keep up with photography, running a blog, school, and your spiritual life?” To be honest, I wasn’t sure how exactly to answer her question. She …

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