
Hey there!
Welcome to my little space.

I am not sure how exactly you got here – probably by a direct link I shared or by some other referral. Regardless of the means, I am glad to have you here with me on this little journey of mine.

Before I proceed, I think a little introduction of my person would suffice at this juncture:)

My name is Somtochukwu (I go by Somto, Tochi, or whatever form of the name you find suitable). I am a Nigerian, in my early 20s, currently in my final year of college here at a Russian university. I am majoring in Petroleum Engineering. Apart from being a student, I like to consider myself a professional photographer (this is very subjective to what you consider as ‘professional’).

On the side, I also happen to dabble in some form of videography, spoken word poetry, and writing – most of it for hobby sake. Yeah, you can consider me somewhat a jack of many trades, and I am yet to conclude if that passes as a blessing or a curse. I enjoy afro music, primarily for the energy, and I vibe to good music in general. My preferred genre is gospel, and yes, my feet move very easily to good music.

As to every other thing about myself, I suppose you’ll get to know me further as we go…*winks*

Now, about this space…

You might be wondering why exactly am I putting this up, or even still, to what end are you here? To be honest with you, there’s nothing so serious about this blog. It is basically just an attempt to put some thoughts I consider valuable in one place as well as share them with interested folks, in this case — You.
In essence, I am only looking to create a compendium of my TWO CENTS on varying subjects, ranging from trends to personal experiences, with emphasis on the positive aspects of each topic in a bid to at least inspire someone somewhere or at barest minimum entertain you while you are on here.

A little disclaimer:

I do not pose as an authority on any subject I address here. It would be more appropriate to consider each subject I address as a discussion, thus I am very much open to external opinions. In fact, I’ll highly appreciate your input and engagement.

Feel free to leave your thoughts down in the comment section or better still, engage me on any of the social media platforms. I would be more than happy to have those conversations. It is also important to note that most of my writings express my personal opinions on the subject in question, although founded on facts. On that note, I might have my biases filter in here and there.

Let’s get this ship sailing already. Shall we?

– Somto.