If you searched up the term “sitzfleisch” on Google, you would be greeted with two definitions at the top of the first page. The first definition might be perceived as vulgar; the second, however, forms the basis of today’s discussion. Sitzfleisch is a German term that can be literally translated as “sitting flesh” or “sitting …
Mid-Year Reflections: Actions Over Results
26 weeks gone in 2022 so far, and another 26 left on the calendar. On a scale of 1 – 10 (where “10” is “cruising through the year and absolutely crushing all your goals”, and “1” being “Goals? What are those?”), how well are you faring with your goals for the year? Hold on… Don’t …
Embrace Your Individuality, Harness Your Uniqueness
As we strolled through the length of the ever-busy pedestrian street, heading for the bus stop, I suddenly became hyperaware of my surroundings. Time slowed down by a fraction, and the excessive busyness of the area seemed to fade as my focus sharpened. Situated in the city’s central area and leading up to the Kazan …
Dear Dad… Happy Father’s Day.
I grew up in a loving home. I never saw my parents quarrel and hardly witnessed any disagreement between them. My dad treated my mom with utmost love and respect, so much so that if you weren’t told, you wouldn’t be able to tell that there was a 12-year margin between them. I would later …
To Everything There Is A Season…
You must have heard of the saying that goes, “The only thing that is constant is change”. I find this aphorism to be quite intriguing, particularly for its paradoxical connotation. If the only thing that is constant is the very thing that alters constancy, then nothing is, in fact, constant. Interesting much, innit? Change is …
Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight.
Failure.A word that no one wants to be associated with, but everyone can relate to. In one way or the other, we have all had a taste of this bitter pill notorious for its poignant aftertaste. Sometimes, this unpleasant tang lingers long after the pill has been swallowed, marring our appetite to try again. The …
The Little One Shall Become A Thousand
My baby brother turned 4 earlier in the week (yay!)… And in honour of his big day, I thought to leave him an open letter in the pages of this public journal. ***** Dear Little One, The memory of that fateful Wednesday remains fresh like it was yesterday. I remember reading that text message from …
It’s The Hope That Kills You?
It was the final action of the game. The tension in the atmosphere was palpable—the drama in the last 15 minutes of the match culminated in this decisive moment. Everyone in the stadium was up on their feet and held their breath in anticipation as the player stepped up to take the penalty kick. The …
“I’m Losing My Mind…”
I know, I know… it’s been a minute in here:) As at the time of publishing this post on the last Sunday in February (where I drew parallels between my life and the movies), I knew I would not be putting up any new post on here for some time. What I didn’t know was …
My Life Is A Blockbuster Movie
“…Cut!… Take-Two… Action!…” Lately, I’ve been looking into the concept of screenwriting (the art of writing scripts for movies and related things), and I didn’t come about this new hobby of mine arbitrarily. As to why I’m exploring this form of writing, that’ll be a story for another day. Ever seen a movie that had …