

Lessons From Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Over the weekend, I was privileged to lead a book club session with an ESL (English as a Second Language) group made up of college students. As the coordinator, I was saddled with the responsibility of selecting the book to be read and discussed in the meeting. Considering the group in question, I had to …

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The Weapon Of “LOVE” (Guest Post)

By Mercy Oluwaniyi “Valentine is coming. Where is your boyfriend? You are sitting at home…” I’m sure most of you have the rest of this song occupying a very comfortable space in your brain. I’m sorry, but this post isn’t about Valentine’s Day. All the same, I wish you all the best out there, both …

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Too Many Things, Too Little Time…

The month of February met me traveling. I had my final exam for the semester towards the end of January. Barely two hours later, I was on a train on my way to Moscow, where I visited a friend for a few days. I was soon on the road again. At the brink of the …

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Focus On The Step Ahead Of You

Believe it or not, it’s the penultimate day in January… For a better perspective, the first 30 days of the year are behind us. Eleven more rounds of this cycle, and it will be 2023… Crazy, innit? I am not quite sure how we got here, but January flew by in a flash. I am …

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The Gift Called “PEOPLE” (Guest Post)

By Michael Oyinloye This is a fascinating topic to pen out.  People. Not only is this write-up about people, but they also happen to be the audience. I am a man of simple words who believes simplicity and complexity are two extremes of the same spectrum. So I will keep this simple. People – The best …

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Is The Birthday Really “Happy”?

So I turned 23 last Monday… and as you might have guessed, I got a lot of “Happy birthday” wishes. Lately, I’ve been curious about the real meaning of that phrase and how it became a thing. I’m not sure if it is intended to convey its literal meaning of being happy on your birthday …

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Stoicism: Inner Peace in the Midst of Chaos

The last few weeks have been unexpectedly chaotic for me —so much so that it became necessary for me to take a “sabbatical” break from all the tasks on my table. I spent an entire day in the outgoing week unplugged from everything, doing nothing but basking in as much solitude as I could afford …

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The Value of Valuable Connections

“What are your plans for the new year?” It’s a new year, and as expected, I’ve been asked the question above more than a few times —chances are that you have as well. Every time someone asks about my plans for 2022, my reply is always along the lines of “I don’t know”. Over the …

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On Growth and Growing Intentionally

Confession time… I attempted to recap my year in the previous blog entry, and it was surprisingly quite challenging putting it together. I had set out to work on the post, thinking I would breeze through it, but that wasn’t the case. I struggled so much writing it and even considered ditching it at some …

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2021: The Good, The Bad & A Grateful Heart

It’s the penultimate Sunday of the year, and it seems like a good time to pause and reflect on the year as it draws to a close in a few days. Like every other year, 2021 didn’t disappoint with its “highs and lows.” In fact, in comparison with previous years, it probably raised the bar, …

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