Imagine a world where everyone was kind to one other, looked out for each other and is genuinely concerned about the wellbeing of others. Sounds ideal right? Well, unfortunately, that might be considered an overly optimistic imagination as it seems humanity is gradually heading to the opposite end of that notion. These days, being kind …
Show Your Work – The Journey Is The Destination
Back in High school, Mathematics ranked as my favourite subject for many reasons. Mainly because the primary concept of the subject tickles the part of me that likes to figure things out. Well, there’s a threshold where the bliss turns into frustration and I can’t go any further on a math problem, but for the …
What If You Were Bolder?
What if you were bolder?What if you were fearless?What if you were more confident in yourself and fear wasn’t a thing to you?What if you weren’t afraid to express yourself in a world where people are quick to judge others? I’m not talking about the twisted kind of confidence popular in today’s society that encourages …
Imposter’s Syndrome: Why You Feel Like A Fraud
Back in November 2020, after much deliberation, I took the plunge and launched this blog space. At first, I wasn’t sure if the thoughts I set out to share were meaningful enough, or if at all I was even qualified to have an opinion on certain issues, but I decided to do it anyway. Six …
Optimism… And What It Is Not
People are sometimes classified based on their outlook on life in relation to prevailing circumstances per time. Broadly speaking, people are either seen as optimists or pessimists, depending on how they relate to life. There is another group often referred to — the realists. This group is said to have an unbiased and pragmatic approach …
Keep Your Head Up, Champ! (Note to Self)
This week’s journal entry is gonna be a bit different from the usual — way less formal, and a bit more personal. It’s going to be a relatively short one too. In the past few weeks, I’ve had to remind myself to keep my head up amidst all I’ve had to navigate lately. So I …
Live Your Life On The Offensive
The game of football is in many ways quite interesting. And although my ties with the game are purely entertainment-oriented and rather inconsistent, my loyalty lies with a club that has also been largely inconsistent in recent times. Been a Manchester United supporter for well over a decade, and I have disappointingly watched them go …
Easter Special: The Death that Gave Life
Another festive season in the Christian Calendar is upon us, and this time, we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is said to be the oldest festival of the Christian Church and also the most important — which seems logical given that the “Church”, as it were, only came about after Christ’s …
2021 So Far – First Quarter Review
Someone once told me that the overall outcome of your year is hinged on the twin months of February and March… That is to say, getting these two months right increases your chances of having a successful year while falling off the train at this “pivotal point” might just be the beginning of your downhill …
Social Validation is Not Always True Validation
In a world where opinions are increasingly varied, the need for some sort of validation for our ideas and notions is constantly on the rise. Simultaneously, social media – and the internet at large– is also becoming more prominent in social relations. More and more people are putting out content in different forms and every …