
The Power of The Tongue

A few weeks ago, I was having a conversation with a friend, and he asked me an interesting question. It was something in the lines of “How does the brain know that it knows the meaning of a word when it is spoken?” I had not considered that thought before then. I thought about it …

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“Dear Procrastinator” — A Recap

Yesterday, I was privileged to be hosted on a friend’s Instagram Live show, “Thinking Out Loud with Praise Ero”. It was my first time being featured on any such show, and I was super excited —and a little bit nervous— when she reached out with the invitation to be her first guest on the show. …

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COVID-19: On Vaccines And Vaccination

Disclaimer: The purpose of this post is not to spread any conspiracy theories, although it might be laced with a little dose of such (pun intended). I will only be attempting to share some of my contemplations –more like unanswered questions– surrounding COVID vaccines, which are increasingly gaining popularity with time. I’m also interested in …

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Internal Resistance — The Battle Against Yourself

In the previous blog post, the concept of internal resistance was referenced in passing as one of the factors that impede productivity. In this entry, we’ll be taking a closer look at this subject. Ever wondered why you can’t seem to do the very things you said you will do? Like why is it so …

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The Subtle Power Of Influence

Lately, I have taken more interest in human interactions and their several dynamics — more specifically, the effect of our day-to-day interactions on our actions, beliefs, and overall personalities. Admit it or not, we are all constantly being influenced by our environment — oftentimes, more than we influence it ourselves. Every interaction we have with …

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Digital Minimalism 3: The Way Of The Minimalist

Today, we draw the curtains on the Digital Minimalism series:) When I first got the idea to write on this topic, I wasn’t sure if to proceed with it or not, neither did I imagine it’ll stretch this long. But the more I considered it, the more it stretched out and we ended up with …

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Digital Minimalism 2: Why Less Is More In The Digital Space

If you are yet to check out the previous blog entry, I’ll suggest you start from there. Today’s entry is more like a sequel to that post and the second part of a 3-part series. A quick recap… We have increasingly placed more value on virtual “likes and comments” at the expense of real-life connections. …

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Digital Minimalism 1: The Obscured Digital Attack On Humanity

Welcome to June!It’s an exciting month for a number of reasons… Well, for starters, we’ll be opening the month with a topic of discussion that I have taken a lot of interest in, in the past year. This interest was further fueled by Cal Newport’s “Digital Minimalism”. And that is the issue of technology and …

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Wear Kindness… It Doesn’t Cost Anything

Imagine a world where everyone was kind to one other, looked out for each other and is genuinely concerned about the wellbeing of others. Sounds ideal right? Well, unfortunately, that might be considered an overly optimistic imagination as it seems humanity is gradually heading to the opposite end of that notion. These days, being kind …

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