Dealing with rejections

Dealing With The Pain of Rejections

Rejection stings… Excluded from a group, denied a job or a scholarship, unrequited love, whatever form it takes, getting a “no” is painful and can even be downright demoralizing. I’ve had my fair share of rejections, and sometimes, it cuts so deep and saps out the strength to try again. It gets even worse when …

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Sitzfleisch: The Power of Perseverance

If you searched up the term “sitzfleisch” on Google, you would be greeted with two definitions at the top of the first page. The first definition might be perceived as vulgar; the second, however, forms the basis of today’s discussion. Sitzfleisch is a German term that can be literally translated as “sitting flesh” or “sitting …

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Mid-Year Reflections: Actions Over Results

26 weeks gone in 2022 so far, and another 26 left on the calendar. On a scale of 1 – 10 (where “10” is “cruising through the year and absolutely crushing all your goals”, and “1” being “Goals? What are those?”), how well are you faring with your goals for the year? Hold on… Don’t …

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To Everything There Is A Season…

You must have heard of the saying that goes, “The only thing that is constant is change”. I find this aphorism to be quite intriguing, particularly for its paradoxical connotation. If the only thing that is constant is the very thing that alters constancy, then nothing is, in fact, constant. Interesting much, innit? Change is …

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Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight.

Failure.A word that no one wants to be associated with, but everyone can relate to. In one way or the other, we have all had a taste of this bitter pill notorious for its poignant aftertaste. Sometimes, this unpleasant tang lingers long after the pill has been swallowed, marring our appetite to try again. The …

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Lessons From Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Over the weekend, I was privileged to lead a book club session with an ESL (English as a Second Language) group made up of college students. As the coordinator, I was saddled with the responsibility of selecting the book to be read and discussed in the meeting. Considering the group in question, I had to …

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Focus On The Step Ahead Of You

Believe it or not, it’s the penultimate day in January… For a better perspective, the first 30 days of the year are behind us. Eleven more rounds of this cycle, and it will be 2023… Crazy, innit? I am not quite sure how we got here, but January flew by in a flash. I am …

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Final Lap… The Race Isn’t Over Yet

December. Probably the busiest month of the year in society. The month of December is often characterized by a myriad of activities. The festive aura associated with the Christmas season has everyone on the go as they prepare to celebrate the season with family and friends. Several end-of-the-year events are organized by social communities, churches, …

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Life Motivation

Overcoming The Inertia of Getting Things Done

It is said that a writer’s worst enemy is the blank page… But is the blank page really the enemy? I would naturally want to agree with that notion. At least, it provides me something to blame for my inability to have these blog posts ready until the publish date. I would often spend the …

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