
Keep Your Gaze On The Big Picture

If you’ve been following the recent entries on the blog, you would have noticed that it’s been all about transitions. And with such transitions come a lot of options, as well as uncertainties. It’s like coming to a junction that opens to several routes, each having the potential to lead to your destination —or at …

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Goodbye Summer… Cheers To A New Season!

It’s the last Sunday in summer, and consequently, it’s the dawn of a new academic session. For me, this means a lot of things. For starters, even though I’m maintaining my city of residence, I’ll be moving to a new environment, resuming at a new school, and studying with a new set of classmates. I’m …

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Show Yourself Some Grace

Lately, I’ve been having more than a few bouts of painfully unproductive days — at least, by my own standards. You know that moment when you’ve got a ton of things to get to but can’t bring yourself to work on anything. So you sit at your table, shuffling through the tasks but not really …

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Trust The Process, Pay The Price

We all have goals and dreams that we wish to achieve in our lifetime. Some dream of making huge impacts on the world around them while others are satisfied with the idea of raising their families on some island while savouring the wonderful nature around them. No matter what your aspirations are, your current reality …

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What If You Were Bolder?

What if you were bolder?What if you were fearless?What if you were more confident in yourself and fear wasn’t a thing to you?What if you weren’t afraid to express yourself in a world where people are quick to judge others? I’m not talking about the twisted kind of confidence popular in today’s society that encourages …

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Keep Your Head Up, Champ! (Note to Self)

This week’s journal entry is gonna be a bit different from the usual — way less formal, and a bit more personal. It’s going to be a relatively short one too. In the past few weeks, I’ve had to remind myself to keep my head up amidst all I’ve had to navigate lately. So I …

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Live Your Life On The Offensive

The game of football is in many ways quite interesting. And although my ties with the game are purely entertainment-oriented and rather inconsistent, my loyalty lies with a club that has also been largely inconsistent in recent times. Been a Manchester United supporter for well over a decade, and I have disappointingly watched them go …

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The Thin Line Between Courage and Stupidity

“Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that’s why life is hard.” – Jeremy Goldberg I randomly stumbled on this quote within the week. I found it funny at first, and still do. But somehow, I couldn’t get it off my mind, so I decided I might …

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woman sitting in front of macbook

Paralysis by Analysis – Getting Out of a Rut

Planning is an integral part of any process and should not be overlooked. But when it crosses the threshold of healthy analysis, it does more harm than good. If you find yourself in a rut even before you begin, take a step back, ask the necessary questions, carry out the required planning necessary to take the first step, launch into action and figure things out as you go. Everything will come together with time, piece by piece.

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The Art of Showing Up

One of the things I failed miserably at in the past, is being consistent. From attempting ‘Facebook blogging’ to launching a YouTube channel, and a host of other projects I have taken on and never saw through. Keeping at anything for that long has always seemed like a herculean task. For some reason, I couldn’t …

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