
Dear Dad… Happy Father’s Day.

I grew up in a loving home. I never saw my parents quarrel and hardly witnessed any disagreement between them. My dad treated my mom with utmost love and respect, so much so that if you weren’t told, you wouldn’t be able to tell that there was a 12-year margin between them. I would later …

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The Little One Shall Become A Thousand

My baby brother turned 4 earlier in the week (yay!)… And in honour of his big day, I thought to leave him an open letter in the pages of this public journal. ***** Dear Little One, The memory of that fateful Wednesday remains fresh like it was yesterday. I remember reading that text message from …

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Is The Birthday Really “Happy”?

So I turned 23 last Monday… and as you might have guessed, I got a lot of “Happy birthday” wishes. Lately, I’ve been curious about the real meaning of that phrase and how it became a thing. I’m not sure if it is intended to convey its literal meaning of being happy on your birthday …

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2021: The Good, The Bad & A Grateful Heart

It’s the penultimate Sunday of the year, and it seems like a good time to pause and reflect on the year as it draws to a close in a few days. Like every other year, 2021 didn’t disappoint with its “highs and lows.” In fact, in comparison with previous years, it probably raised the bar, …

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Two Cents Journal’s 1st Anniversary!

One year ago, I set out on an undefined journey with the singular goal of having a platform to document my thoughts in writing while simultaneously sharing them with the world. It all started with this post… 1 year, 50 posts, 48000+ words, 50+ subscribers, and over 4000 views later, we’re still going strong like …

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Off The Grid (5) – Vital Few

Today’s post is a significant one. Firstly, It’s the 50th entry in this space. That means I have practiced the art of showing up 50 different times on here, attempting to communicate value with each appearance. I’m not sure to what extent I have achieved this, but it is a journey I have enjoyed so …

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Off The Grid (4) — Planning Fallacy

The countdown continues… Just one week left in the month, meaning we’re in the final lap of the Digital declutter experiment (for more details, check this post). I finally got the courage to check the stats for the blog posts this month, and although it’s not totally crickets in here, it’s clear that my online …

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Off The Grid (3) — Access Denied

We’re past the midpoint of October, with just 2 weeks left in the month. We are left with just 10 complete weeks on the calendar until 2022. It’s probably too early to start talking about next year because a lot can happen in the days between now and the new year. However, I already feel …

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Off The Grid (2) — Keeping The Wheels Rolling

Day 10 of the “Digital Declutter experiment”, and three weeks more to go (and in case you don’t know what this is about, check this post). With my absence from social media platforms where I usually share my posts, I can’t help but wonder how many people actually check in here:) I was tempted to …

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