
Off The Grid (1) — Environmental Conditioning

Hey fam… Happy new month!… And welcome to the “Off the Grid” series. I went with that title because it sounds like a fitting expression for the agenda of the month. First of all, if you’re reading this in the week it was posted, it’s either you’re part of the Two Cents mailing family and …

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Declutter in October: Digital Minimalism Experiment

It’s the last Sunday in September… We are approaching the last quarter of the year, and currently, it’s less than 100 days until the end of the year. Counting in months, 3 months seems like a lot of time, but realizing that it’s just 90 days on the calendar gives it a feeling of urgency. …

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A Life Well Lived – Tribute To A Friend And A Brother

Today’s post is a spontaneous one and quite a short one too. I had planned to write on something else, but as the anniversary of Toluwanimi’s demise drew nearer, I decided to dedicate today’s blog post in his honour. I had heard of people going numb with shock, but I hadn’t quite experienced it myself, …

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The Night I Knew I Wasn’t Brave (StoryTime)

Some experiences reveal our true character and expose the lofty myths that make up our lives. I’ve had some of such experiences myself. And to mark the 7th anniversary of my graduating high school, I decided to recount one funny experience from high school where I almost met my waterloo. Thankfully though, I was quick-witted …

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On Graduating College… The End Of A Phase

It’s the last Sunday in June, and what better way to close off the first half of the year than to graduate college!:) It’s been three days since I “unofficially” graduated. Even though with my school, it never gets official as there isn’t any graduation ceremony of any sort. However, defending my final project last …

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2021 So Far – First Quarter Review

Someone once told me that the overall outcome of your year is hinged on the twin months of February and March… That is to say, getting these two months right increases your chances of having a successful year while falling off the train at this “pivotal point” might just be the beginning of your downhill …

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photo of planner and writing materials

January Recap: What I Learnt

It’s the last day of January. Based on popular opinion, the first month of the year is notorious for its snail pace. I personally wish it went even slower — at least, while I still have this ‘student’ badge on. According to my school’s timetable, the first month of the year is always dedicated to taking exams for the first semester. …

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22 Things At 22

It’s the second Sunday of the year and coincidentally, it happens to be my 22nd birthday!So I thought it would be nice to share some of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned thus far, especially in the last year. This is going to be different from the usual style you’re used to on here. Something …

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woman in beige coat standing near white wooden book shelf

2020 Book of the Year – My Personal Recommendation

So it happens that I don’t thrive so well with written literature of all kinds. The good news is that I am actively striving to change that narrative. In the not-so-distant past, I would rather spend multiple hours binge-watching Youtube videos than sit through an hour of reading – academic or otherwise. Of course, as …

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