
Easter Special: The Death that Gave Life

Another festive season in the Christian Calendar is upon us, and this time, we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

It is said to be the oldest festival of the Christian Church and also the most important — which seems logical given that the “Church”, as it were, only came about after Christ’s Resurrection and Ascension. Easter is also a celebration of God’s victory over sin and death. This victory is the premise of Christianity, thus it is of huge significance to the Christian fold.

Back in December, I wrote about Christmas and what it means to me. That post would serve as a preamble to today’s post as this is only a continuation of the greatest love story ever told.

The birth of Jesus was indeed proof of God’s love. The Word Himself forsook all His majesty, became flesh, and dwelt amongst the very men He created. This sacrifice was God’s way of bridging the rift between Him and Mankind. This separation was a result of the incident in the garden of Eden. But He didn’t stop there…

This divine interaction with humanity was only a route to the ultimate sacrifice. The sacrifice of Love. The sacrifice of death. The sacrifice of atonement. The sacrifice that closed the gap between the Holy God and corrupt humanity. The sacrifice initiated reconciliation and gave us access to God’s very presence from which we were once alienated.


Whenever I think of Easter and what it represents, my heart simply melts at the unfathomable love shown by the Father, and the gravity of the sacrifice in letting His son undergo such a gruesome experience.

I think of Christ’s agony at the Garden of Gethsamane. I think of His desire to do the Father’s will regardless of the hurt. I think of the sinless Saviour drinking from the cup of my iniquity just so I can become the righteousness of God. I think of the road to Golgotha. I think of the mockery He received from the very ones He came to save. I think of the crown of thorns they made Him wear. I think of the lashes He took on my behalf — the very strokes that guarantee my healing. I think of Him hanging naked on the cross, bruised, sore, thirsty. I think of those six hours of extreme anguish and how forsaken He felt. I think of the blood and water they drew out of His body… All for Love’s sake.

“But God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us.”

Romans 5:8 (AMPC)

“For the greatest love of all is a love that sacrifices all. And this great love is demonstrated when a person sacrifices his life for his friends.”

John 15:13 (TPT)


This extravagant display of Love did not just serve as proof of God’s love. It went beyond that. The death of Jesus sparked a ripple effect that led to our eventual freedom and liberation. The effect was so strong that creation reacted. The sun was darkened, the earth shook and the rocks were split. Even more notably, the curtain of the temple was torn into two from top to bottom — an indication of access to God’s presence which was otherwise out of bounds to man.

As interesting as all of this is, it wasn’t the peak yet. The main event was the reclaiming of the dominion Adam lost through disobedience. The sinless lamb through obedience brought about complete justification and total forgiveness of all our guilt. The debt was paid in full and the receipts in our name. All charges against us were dropped and the right to relate freely with our Father was restored.

“One man’s disobedience opened the door for all humanity to become sinners. So also one man’s obedience opened the door for many to be made perfectly right with God and acceptable to him.”

Romans 5:19 (TPT)


The precious sacrifice described above was made once and for all. It restored us to the beginning and made available all that was lost in Eden. It offered us a chance to experience the beautiful life God intended for mankind at creation. A life free from the bondage of sin and other infirmities. But as it was at the beginning, we retain the power to choose if we take this offer or not.

I like to see it as a buffet party. A grand one. Everything we desire has been made available by our very generous host. Every single thing we can think of, in unlimited measures… and all for free too. But all of this is housed in a banquet hall, and an invitation has been sent out to everyone to come and partake in this great feast. To gain access to this feast, you have to accept the Host’s invitation.

The good thing is we don’t even have to dress up for this particular banquet. In fact, He’s very happy to have us in whatever state we are in. He has all the beautiful apparel and is willing to decorate us with royal robes — after all, He clothes the lilies of the field and King Solomon in all his magnificence can’t match their style!

The only ticket required to be a part of this lovely feast is that we believe in His Son, Jesus Christ – the one who footed the bill for the party with His life – and accept the Salvation he offers. Once this requirement is fulfilled, we automatically gain VIP tickets to the feast of eternal life in God’s presence.

So what do you say?… To Feast or Not to Feast?

“God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son so that whoever believes in him may not be lost, but have eternal life.”

John 3:16 (NCV)

Happy Easter Celebration!

2 thoughts on “Easter Special: The Death that Gave Life”

  1. Happy Easter celebrations everyone 🤗. Thank you so much dear for putting this out. Indeed Jesus loves us. Even if I’m not sure of any other thing in my life , I’m deeply certain that Christ loves me.. and not just me but every single person on planet Earth. It is his heart beat that we realize this, believe it with all our heart and also that we reciprocate this love. This really makes him glad. And just like you said ‘ he is very happy to receive us in whatever shape we are in’.
    Christ made the ultimate sacrifice and I pray that through his grace, this sacrifice of love will continually liberate mankind from this body of
    wickedness,disobediencee, pride, want to fulfill fleshly desires and everything that comes with it.

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