
The Little One Shall Become A Thousand

My baby brother turned 4 earlier in the week (yay!)… And in honour of his big day, I thought to leave him an open letter in the pages of this public journal.


Dear Little One,

The memory of that fateful Wednesday remains fresh like it was yesterday. I remember reading that text message from big coz that morning announcing your arrival. I initially thought it was a prank— I mean, it had to be. He had to be joking; I should have known you were coming, but I didn’t. I would have written it off as an “April fool’s” stunt, but it was the last week of May, and big coz knew better than to play with my emotions like that.

But how did I not know? Even with all the frequent communication with home, I had no inkling of your existence while your bones formed in our dear mother’s womb. Not even a hint?… I still don’t have answers to these questions. However, one thing is sure, the momentary ignorance paid off big time. You turned out to be the best surprise of my life.

Upon receiving the news, I spent the next few hours in sceptical disbelief, shielding myself from falling victim to this seeming “prank”. But I also couldn’t help but contemplate the reality of the information I had received. The thought of having a sibling 19 years younger was strange yet exhilarating.

I wondered what you’d be like—your personality and natural inclinations. I also thought of all the beautiful moments we would spend together. My heart exploded with joy when I beheld your tender form through my screen later that evening. It’s hard to explain my emotions, but it was simply love at first sight.

But all of that was interrupted by the sudden realization that it would take a couple years before I actually see you in person. I became aware that our relationship would be confined to the limitations of screens and virtual interactions in the first few years of your life. I have since made my peace with this, and I increasingly look forward to meeting you.

It’s been four years since you came into our lives, and you’ve been nothing but a bundle of joy. I had feared that it would be difficult to create a connection with you from afar, but the enthusiasm you bring to our calls has quelled my concerns. The positive energy you emit is contagious, and we love to see it.


Dear Kosi, there is so much in my heart seeking expression, but I find it difficult to articulate all of it in words. Nevertheless, I will attempt to pen some of my thoughts in this letter.

As you grow older, I hope that nothing extinguishes your bright flame. I hope that the cares of life do not drown your cheerful demeanour and no opposition is strong enough to silence your voice. I hope that you navigate life’s obstacles with sublime dexterity and ease.

As you acquaint yourself with the rudiments of human existence, you will soon realize that the world is a beautiful place, but it can also be vile sometimes. There is an increasing level of moral decadence gradually seeping into every crevice of civilization. But I want you to always remember that you have a choice, and I hope you make the right choice. Choose to make the world better than you met it. Choose to focus on harnessing and enhancing the beauty around you.

I pray you find God for yourself, and I pray you find Him early—hopefully much earlier than I did. It is my prayer that you grow to become a true ambassador of the Kingdom here on earth, fulfilling all that is captured in the divine template for your life.

I am beyond convinced that you are cut out for great things; there is no shortage of evidence to that claim. I am without doubt that the words captured in Prophet Isaiah’s writings hold true for you: “A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation” (Isaiah 60:22).

As I mentioned earlier, there is so much to say that cannot really be put in words. I guess I’ll have to rest my pen here until I find an adequate means of expression. I hope that someday in the future, you will find this piece and read a piece of my heart in these lines.

Dear Little One, in all your doings, BECOME!

With Love,
Big Bro.

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