
The Value of Valuable Connections

“What are your plans for the new year?”

It’s a new year, and as expected, I’ve been asked the question above more than a few times —chances are that you have as well. Every time someone asks about my plans for 2022, my reply is always along the lines of “I don’t know”.

Over the past few years, I have cultivated a tradition of taking out time before the year runs out to review the outgoing year and plan for the incoming. This activity helps me step into the new year with clarity and direction. Unfortunately, I failed to uphold this procedure this time around. December had me on my toes with several things clamouring for my attention, making it difficult to carve out time for such contemplations. (Probably not a worthy excuse, though)

However, even though I am yet to draft out concrete plans for the new year, I am not entirely clueless on how I want the year to pan out. In the last post for 2021, I discussed my growth experience in 2021 and also hinted at how I’m looking to grow in 2022. This growth cuts across different facets and today’s post considers one aspect.

Interactions and Influence

Back in July last year, I published a blog post titled “the subtle power of influence”. The blog post’s content revolved around the effect of our associations on our actions and character. I referenced The Asch Experiment as scientific proof to buttress the inevitability of social influence on our lives.

On a personal level, I have observed how my social interactions impact me —positively or negatively, depending on the interaction. I can boldly admit that whatever achievement I have to my name today is largely thanks to the amazing folks I am privileged to have met on my life’s journey (of course, second to God’s grace). Sometimes, something as simple as a piece of information about an opportunity is enough to set your ball rolling. A casual conversation with someone with such information might be all it takes to set you up for success.

The Power of Community

Taking things a step further, the benefits of valuable connections go beyond interpersonal relationships. It extends to communities and groups we associate ourselves with. I have been associated with a few such social communities in the past. It is always an incredible experience.

There’s something powerful about a communion of like minds. Aside from the fact that you get to learn from other members of the group, there’s an unspoken reinforcement that goes on within those circles. This reinforcement stems from the awareness that you’re not alone in your pursuits, and there are others out there like you with similar interests. This brings about a form of validation and subsequently motivates us to keep at whatever it is we’re doing.

Another importance of valuable communities is that they allow us to meet and connect with valuable people. Given that these communities are often made up of people keen on growth and progress, there’s a good chance of encountering people who can help propel you forward in your pursuits.

The Agenda

Following some introspective analysis, I realized that I am yet to maximally harness the power of community. And as part of my growth scheme this year, I intend to pay more attention to actively and intentionally seeking (and building) communities that make for even more growth. I’m not quite sure exactly how to go about achieving this, but I guess I’ll figure it out as I go.

How are you looking to grow in 2022?

2 thoughts on “The Value of Valuable Connections”

  1. Thank you for this. I learnt about the influence of community this past year and I am also influenced to harness it more this year.

  2. It’s bad I learnt about the influence of community late in school. Well, as they say, better late than never. Your points are valid and I am going to try and make sure that I get the best of these communities.

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